Tuesday, March 30, 2010

We are now VERGE Permaculture

We have re-named our business, re-branded and have a new website:

Our new website has an integrated blog - we will no longer be maintaining blogger. Please check us out and sign up for our newsletter to receive updates.

Also, do not use our old domain name (www.ravissustainable.com), this domain is hijacked. Thanks!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

WARNING - www.ravissustainable.com is FAKE!

Please be aware that the www.ravissutainable.com domain name has been hijacked. A phony website is currently posted impersonating our business. Please do not visit this website and do not use email addresses from/to @ravissustainable.com.

We are working closely with our web developer and laywer to resolve this issue. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Transformation of our Urban Home

In August 2008, my wife Michelle and I returned to Calgary, Canada, after spending one year travelling abroad in search of sustainability solutions. With backgrounds in mechanical engineering, our “sabbatical” started off in Denmark – we were drawn there by the lure of technological solutions to energy issues. After several months of volunteering and filling our brains with information (wind energy, solar applications, passive buildings, biogas, plant oil engines... and more) we ended up back in North America prepared to explore the U.S. and Mexico in our plant-oil powered Westfalia.

We knew that something thusfar in our sustainability search was missing and were starting to suspect that the missing link might be permaculture (although we didn't really know what it was quite yet). Our travels brought us to several eco-sites, including an ecovillage near Mexico City. We stopped to do some WOOFing at a permaculture farm and then headed further south to visit the indigenous Mexicans of the Chiapas, interested to learn about their agricultural practices. An Earthship workshop and geodesic greenhouses in New Mexico and an education center and CSA project in Colorado to name a few other adventures. And to culminate this amazing year we signed up for a Permaculture Design Course at Bullocks Homestead in Washington. The entire experience was nothing short of amazing.

Next task – put all of this information to productive use! Oh boy.

Luckily, my mother-in-law is a good sport and agreed to allow us to use her home as an outlet for ideas and a test case for a permaculture transformation project. Our goal – grow as much food as possible on this urban site and retrofit the home to reduce fossil heating energy by 90%.

Our first task was to asses the property and get productive food systems up and running. We invited friends and family over for a workparty, sheet mulched the yards and planted over 100 plants in the front yard mimicing a forest ecology. As we were covering the yard with heaps of composted manure and cardboard the neighbours would slow down as they drove by in awe to see the vast quantity of materials and the number of people running around like ants building a nest. By the end of the day we had a fully sheet mulched back and front yard and a food forest ready to burst next spring.

In the spring we decided that our garden needed to have some swales and trails – shovel in hand we got to work digging. Within a day or so we had shaped our garden beds, filled the trails with mulch from a local arborist and got ready to plant the garden once we were sure that there would be no frost. Calgary has very limited precipitation (300mm) and only about 100 frost free days so we had to be on top of the garden as soon as we were able to make sure we didn't miss and inch or rain or a day of sun. In late Spring we covered the garden with 20kg of inoculated field pea shortly and planted the rest of our garden with seedlings started earlier in the year.

With the garden progressing on its own we started on the energy retrofits. Our primary focus was on improving the thermal envelope, heating appliance and thermal mass of the building as we had been inspired by a previous visit to the German Passiv Haus Institute while in Europe. The first project was to blow-in one meter thick of cellulose insulation into the attic. Although the salesman thought I was crazy (new built homes usually have 20-30 cm), I wanted to meet the Passiv Haus Standard with an R-value of R70. Also, cellulose is relatively inexpensive and is an easy “do it yourself” project.

Next we went straight to work on siding of the house. Being that the home was built in the 70's the wall insulation was approximately 1.5” thick fiberglass insulation (R8) and leakier than a sieve. We first removed the siding, sheathing, old mouldy insulation and vapour barrier to expose the studs and plywood inner wall. Next we blew-in high density foam into the cavities between studs. To prevent thermal bridging from occuring through the studs we added a layer of 2” rigid foam sheathing before replacing the siding. And it only seemed fitting that the new siding color be green! The steps above reduced our air infiltration over 5 times and brought our net R-value from 8 up to 31.

We then installed triple glazed low emissivity & insulated fiberglass frame windows. These windows have a net R-value of R7 which means that they act as a thermal appliance and allow more energy in than energy lost per annum.

Another project we managed to squeeze in was the basement. The basement has also always been very cold in the winter in part due to the lack of insulation in the floor. We attacked this problem by laying a subfloof or rigid insulation.

Based on these upgrades, I calculated that we could replace our 29 kW furnace for a 3 kW one. However, when researching furnace options, the smallest available on the market is a 95% efficient 15 kW. This certainly illustrates how poorly we build our homes!

The retrofit is almost done with a few minor exceptions. This summer we will be installing a solar hot water system to heat all of our domestic water. With the siding off earlier in the year we also took the opportunity to install connections for a future grey water system to feed our new garden.

And so, we have learnt some great lessons from our transformation project and are excited to see how the house perfoms over the winter. Most exciting of all - our neighbour has requested that we extend our front yard food forest into his yard (he never did like cutting grass). Perhaps we will inspire many others in our neighborhood to do the same.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gull Lake Permaculture Design Certificate Course

Ravis Sustainable teamed up with Pacific Permaculture to offer our inaugural Permaculture Design Certificate Course in central Alberta.

It was an amazing experience - in fact hard to put words to. I will default to feedback and comments received from our students:

"Fantastic Experience. Life Changing. Thanks!" Martin Scholz, Red Deer.

"I knew that this would be a life changing course going into it and it hasn't disappointed. I will carry this energy, memory and community into however I practice permaculture. I have valued the ethical emphasis and commitment, the intensity of the overall course. Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you!!!" - Ken MacLeod, Saskatoon.

"I absolutely feel like I learned enough to warrant the fee. The food and site was fantastic too."

"Thank you, this was the boiled down, simple, straight forward specific path to sustainable living and development" Maurice Samm, Camrose.

"The PDC was incredibly well organized and the level of education, amazing. Thanks for the experience!" - Carissa deJong, Edmonton.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Clean Calgary Introduction to Permaculture

We are very excited about our new partnership with Clean Calgary and the first Introduction to Permaculture course that Rob facilitated for their organization.

Clean Calgary is an urban environmental organization with a mission to empower Calgarians to create healthy homes and communities through environmental education, products, and services.

The course spanned six Thursday evenings, with the last evening of theory a hands on lecture in our back-yard (pictures shown above).

We also replaced some lawn with a food forest in one of the students front yards; I'll have photos in a subsequent post.

Overall, the course was a grand success and Clean Calgary has requested that we continue the partnership for next summer.

I'll think that you'll agree based on the feedback we received from our students:

"Rob is a very good presenter, knowledgeable, articulate and organized"

"The course was exceptional value, 6 two hour classes plus homework plus a food forest instal day. I think it was a great deal [...] I am thinkin about my yard and gardens in new and exciteing ways and am already trying new things. Thank you, this course was a great experience."


"Rob was amazing! His knowledge and his presentation was impeccable. It was also great that we had an implementation project! It was great way to get to know the people in the course and to implement what we learned."

Monday, July 20, 2009

Grass is sooo 80's!

Another food forest installation in Calgary - yipee!

The group of students from our Springtime Introduction to Permaculture class taught through Clean Calgary got together one beautiful Saturday and helped turned fellow classmate, Barry Clements, front yard grass into an ecological and permaculture inspired garden.

The goal - replicate, as much as possible, the forest ecology. Forest ecologies are robust, self reinforcing, non-polluting and sustainable. Lawns are a highly inefficient use of space, water & money and significantly contribute to the degradation of our environment. Lawns instill isolation, gardens create community.

Empowered with knowledge gained from their course and eager to make positive change this group set out to create a space that provides food, sanctuary, creates community, inspires us to reconnect to the earth and context ourselves as a part of, not separate from, nature.

Thanks to everyone for your hard work!

Also - check out this article published by The New Resilient about Barry's food forest install.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Wildcrafting with Blaine Andrusek

Wildcrafting is the fusion between an indigenous survival skill and modern botany. Southern Alberta boasts hundreds of wild edible and medicinal plants right outside our front door that we all take for granted. Some of these plants are on the verge of extinction while other plants have just been forgotten. The indigenous people of southern Alberta not only survived in Southern Alberta - they thrived.

Rob and I took an Introduction to Botany course at Wild Rose College here in in Calgary in the Fall of 2008. We enjoyed the course and the instructor Blaine Andrusek so much that we decided to bring him on for a week-end wildcrafting and herb walk session. Although we did post the course on our website, it almost filled up immediately with 20 of our friends family who all agreed it would be fun to learn more about the native plants right in our backyard.

We started the herb walk right in Calgary, in Edworthy Park, where we learnt that you don’t need to go far to find wild edible and medicinal plants.

On the Sunday we traveled out to Ghost River to explore a whole new eco-tone and the different species that exist within a very short drive from the city.

Another fantastic course - Blaine has already been reserved for next year!